This time of year, it’s easy to get caught up in the magic of Christmas. From decorating the tree and filling our homes with beautiful decorations. To the hustle and bustle of preparing for parties with family and friends, and shopping for everyone’s perfect gift to place under the tree. We enjoy the excitement that comes with the holiday season. But even more so, it is a blessing when we reflect on what the true meaning of Christmas is as we look to the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ.
When the Lord placed this topic on my heart to write about I dwelt on it for about a week as I waited for Him to point me towards what He wanted me to say. I read through the story of Christ’s birth in the gospels of Matthew and Luke and listened for the prompting of the Holy Spirit. As I was reading through Matthew 2 this verse was highlighted in my spirit and for me, I think it sums up the true worth of Christmas as we look at the greatest birth in history.
“Entering the house, they saw the child with Mary his mother, and falling to their knees, they worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts: gold, frankincense, and myrrh.” Matthew 2:11
When I read this my heart is completely overwhelmed with the feeling of what these wisemen felt as they entered the presence of the Lord. These men had traveled from 800 to 900 miles to worship the newborn Savior, and they did so because they believed in God’s word and had hearts that longed for the King. They had such deep reverence for Him that they would do whatever it took to enter His presence and bow down before Him. When we stop to think about the weight of this moment, I see how beautifully it illustrates what God desires for us in our own walk with Him—especially as we focus on the true meaning of Christmas.
Though we may never know the exact length of time the wise men traveled to find Jesus, we can be sure it took months, if not longer. They didn’t just physically pursue the Lord; they longed, joyfully, to be in His presence. They were willing to cross any mountain or river in their path, knowing it would lead them to the greatest gift the world would ever know, a single moment in the presence of Christ.
Today, we don’t have to cross mountains or rivers. We don’t need to search far and wide for the King of kings, because Christ meets us exactly where we are. He doesn’t require us to journey 800 miles or make great sacrifices to find Him. In fact, His very name, Emmanuel, “God with us”, reminds us that He is already here, with us. His presence is always available to us. But we do have to ask ourselves, do we long as the wisemen did to be in the presence of our King? Do we pursue Him with the same passion and reverence? As we approach Christmas, let’s reflect on whether we truly seek His presence in our lives with the same eagerness as those who first came to see Him.
Knowing that our gift to Him isn’t gold, frankincense, or myrrh, but it is the fullness and eagerness of our hearts for Him. As we gather to celebrate this season, let’s remember what this day truly represents: the greatest gift we could ever receive—the gift of Christ, our King! Let us recognize His worthiness of all our praise and seek to honor Him with all our hearts. As we reflect on His love and sacrifice, let us commit to giving the treasure of our “yes” to Him not just on Christmas Day, but every day, as we live in worship of Him.
Merry CHRISTmas!