The “New Year” has come and gone. Temperatures are rising. Bright colors have popped out everywhere to replace the subtle fall/winter colors that last season left behind. That can only mean one thing … SPRING is here, and summer is just around the corner.
So what will you accomplish this season? The winter (and year) we just came out of surely was very new to us. As a fitness professional who has seen many new year resolutioners come and go through the years, I can say that usually a few months after January, many tend to fall away from their resolutions to get fit for the new year. I can also tell you that I believe this year has taken a bigger toll on many than they choose to admit. I actually saw a decline in the number of New Year’s resolutioners this year in the fitness industry for the first time in years. I think there may be more to this than just “physical” as well. So let’s try this again, shall we?
Spring is a reminder to many, especially believers, that God is about to make all things new. He promises us in Isaiah 43:18-19, “Do not remember the former things, nor the things of old. Behold, I will do something new; Now it will spring forth; will you not be aware of it?” So how about we take God up on that promise? Let’s trust Him that He can and will do something new in us. He continues through His word, and through others, to give us glimpses of new things that He has in store for us. Maybe this very article is meant for you—to be a little push to put forth new effort to a fresh you.
Spring and summer are both times for growth. In nature, that comes from the right combination of sunlight and water. For our spiritual lives, it comes from the right combination of time with God in His word and time with other believers—a community of people who think like you and have the same goals. So this season, I encourage you to find a circle of friends to grow with. Grow in motivation. Grow in discipline to meet your goals. Grow spiritually. Grow relationally. Grow the time you spend outdoors. Maybe take that new circle of friends out for a hike or a walk around the park. Take a look at the flowers and plants that are blooming around you. Whether it’s a long walk, or splashing through puddles on a jog during an unexpected Louisiana summer shower, soak up the blessings of the spring and summer seasons. Not only will you be enjoying the beauty of God’s creation, but you’ll be growing in your fellowship and sharing it with someone else who may need the motivation to get up and moving just as much as you do. You never know what that first step may lead to.
How about learning something new? Don’t be afraid to grow your knowledge, especially in the area of your body. Take that circle of friends and take a fitness class together. Learn a new type of exercise together like Yoga, Zumba, or, my personal favorite, weightlifting. And if you haven’t found that circle to get started with yet, let this be your starting point… JOIN a fitness studio or class. As a trainer who specializes in training small groups of women, the comradery that I see form between the ladies that train together in my small groups is absolutely priceless. These women feed on the motivation of one another. They come sometimes more to see one another than to lift weights. Getting fit is just one of the perks. The relationships that they form by bonding in this environment, encouraging one another, rooting for one another, and celebrating one another’s victories, is something that I often run off to thank God for allowing me to be a part of – the relationships that are forming between these ladies who were once perfect strangers now becoming sisters… fitness sisters. Who wouldn’t love a tribe of women on their side through so many of life’s challenges? I’m telling you, you’ll find some of the best support ever in a fitness environment. It breeds motivation and encouragement.
Spring is the author of “renewal,” and summer is the author of happy times and growth. Did you start at the beginning of the year and fall off track after a few weeks? Don’t let that discourage you. Just pick yourself up, dust your buns off, and get back in the game. Whether it’s starting completely over, or picking up where you left off, a reset may be just the very thing you need to get recommitted. See this season as that happy renewal period full of growth. Maybe even take this time to ask God to help you. He is, after all, our Helper. “Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.” Psalm 51:10 is a great prayer to start with. By asking Him this one simple prayer, it can change your life in so many ways. He can give you a new heart and a new drive. All you have to do is ask Him. He takes what’s broken down and transforms it into something incredible. If you haven’t read my testimony before, I encourage you to read it. See how God changed my life completely and used FITNESS as a pathway to do so.
Fitness brings forth character. It’s the one thing you definitely can’t cheat on and get away with it. God desires us to be disciplined in all aspects of our lives that prosper us, for sure.
So, spring forth into your fitness goals. Let this season be one of growth, rebirth, and learning something new that can benefit your body and your spirit.
As seen in Modern Grace Magazine