Consistently placing in the top ten property management companies in Baton Rouge, Maggie Blake has built a business with integrity and grit. Having overcome abuse, cancer, and financial devastation, she shows time and time again that setbacks, are merely step-ups.
MG: Where were you born and raised?
MAGGIE: Rochester, New York.
MG: If not Louisiana, what led to you move here? When?
MAGGIE: I moved in 1994 with my then-husband, so that he could follow his dreams of radio hosting. We initially moved to Shreveport.
MG: Currently, where are you employed?
MAGGIE: MB Management Group, LLC.
MG: What is your job title?
MAGGIE: Owner, realtor, property manager.
MG: What is your favorite part about living here?
MAGGIE: My favorite part about living in Louisiana is my friends— they truly feel like family to me and I adore them.
MG: What is an event in your life that significantly changed the course of it?
MAGGIE: My fiancé in 1998 was horribly abusive and an alcoholic. I had dealt with it and allowed myself to be bullied and hurt for years with the thought that it was best to keep the family together for my daughter, but finally, I left.
MG: What negative impacts did that event have for you, even if only temporary?
MAGGIE: Trying to a find sustainable job that would pay enough for me and my daughter was tough and anxiety-inducing.
MG: How do you feel you have overcome that event?
MAGGIE: I decided to start my own business.
MG: What advice would you give to someone who is going through something similar?
MAGGIE: I would advise them to have faith and remember she is an inspiration to her daughter as she grows. Let NOTHING stand in your way.
MG: What do you consider to be your life motto?
MAGGIE: Take on the world, girl. It’s yours if you want it.
MG: Here can be the hardest one for many, tell us about yourself. Anything additional you want to share? It can be anything from your favorite recipe, to the worst time of your life. Anything more you want to share with us.
MAGGIE: I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2021. It totally changed my perspective on life and helped me realize that every day is a gift we should cherish. You can choose to be happy or miserable when you wake up in the morning—I now choose happy every day. I have two small dogs that I rescued who have my whole heart. I make a mean New York style pizza…
As seen in Modern Grace Magazine

Full Interview
MG: Where were you born and raised?
MAGGIE: Rochester, New York.
MG: If not Louisiana, what led to you move here? When?
MAGGIE: I moved in 1994 with my then-husband, so that he could follow his dreams of radio hosting. We initially moved to Shreveport.
MG: In which city do you mostly reside?
MAGGIE: Baton Rouge.
MG: What is your educational background and/or experience?
MAGGIE: College graduate along with a license in real estate.
MG: Currently, where are you employed?
MAGGIE: MB Management Group, LLC.
MG: What is your job title?
MAGGIE: Owner, realtor, property manager.
MG: What is your favorite part about living here?
MAGGIE: My favorite part about living in Louisiana is my friends— they truly feel like family to me and I adore them.
MG: What is an event in your life that significantly changed the course of it?
MAGGIE: My fiancé in 1998 was horribly abusive and an alcoholic. I had dealt with it and allowed myself to be bullied and hurt for years with the thought that it was best to keep the family together for my daughter, but finally, I left.
MG: What negative impacts did that event have for you, even if only temporary?
MAGGIE: I was a bit anxious trying to put food on the table after giving birth to my daughter and separating from my then-fiancé. Trying to a find sustainable job that would pay enough for me and my daughter was tough and anxiety-inducing.
MG: What good came out of that event for you? How did it improve your life?
MAGGIE: It made me a very strong woman. Being a mother made me realize how beautiful life really is.
MG: How do you feel you have overcome that event?
MAGGIE: I decided to start my own business to pay myself correctly and support my daughter. I knew I was worth more than what the current employment opportunities were willing to offer, so I took matters into my own hands.
MG: What advice would you give to someone who is going through something similar?
MAGGIE: I would advise them to have faith in herself and remember she is an inspiration to her daughter as she grows. That young mother can do anything she’s willing to work for and puts her mind to, so go and grab that brass ring and make it happen. Let NOTHING stand in your way.
MG: When was a time that you stuck up for yourself and how did that enhance your life?
MAGGIE: I stood up for myself when I finally realized that allowing myself and my daughter around abusive behavior would be the worst way to raise a child and devalue my own worth. I left him, and after years of legal custody battles and scraping together every last penny, I finally got full custody of my daughter and control over my life. This changed everything for me, and I no longer allow any kind of negative, destructive, or abusive behavior around myself, my family, or my business.
MG: Have you received any special awards, recognition, or acknowledgements?
MAGGIE: My business has consistently been awarded within the top 10 property management companies in Baton Rouge. Nominated for BBB small business of the year.
MG: What quality about yourself are you most grateful for?
MAGGIE: Strong, independent, compassionate
MG: What about yourself are you most proud?
MAGGIE: Raising my daughter to be a strong, independent woman
MG: What do you consider to be your life motto?
MAGGIE: Take on the world, girl. It’s yours if you want it.
MG: Who inspires, or has inspired, you in your life?
MAGGIE: My daughter, Cameron, and my sister, Mary Kay.
MG: Here can be the hardest one for many, tell us about yourself. Anything additional you want to share? It can be anything from your favorite recipe, to the worst time of your life. Anything more you want to share with us.
MAGGIE: I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2021. It totally changed my perspective on life and helped me realize that every day is a gift we should cherish. You can choose to be happy or miserable when you wake up in the morning—I now choose happy every day. I have two small dogs that I rescued who have my whole heart. I make a mean New York style pizza (my favorite food). I love reading, watching movies, and relaxing at home, but I also party when my Irish side comes out. I love my life – I wouldn’t change a thing.