Author and farmer Macy Rushing embodies the truth that we are all much more than test scores! Local celebrity author of the Lucky the Cow children’s book series, she is an inspiration to all that you can overcome!
MG: Where were you born and raised?
MACY: Ethel, la
MG: What is you educational background and/or experience?
MACY: Associate degree in criminal justice
MG: Currently, where are you employed?
MACY: Stay at home mama. The best job!
MG: What is your job title?
MACY: Caretaker to cows and kids
MG: What is your favorite part about living here?
MACY: It’s the south, what’s not to love besides the heat—the people, community, fellowship, tradition, and food. Can’t beat it!
MG: What is an event in your life that significantly changed the course of it?
MACY: In 8th grade I failed the state test to advance to 9th. Went to summer school and failed again. I was so embarrassed, and was looked at differently by others. It wasn’t easy. Thankfully, I had close family and friends to lean on, but most importantly, God. I didn’t let those
moments define me.
MG: What negative impacts did that event have for you, even if only temporary?
MACY: Definitely self-worth. I felt less than. Dumb. Not smart enough.
MG: What good came out of that event for you? How did it improve your life?
MACY: I buckled down in school, took charge of my education, and let all of those negative emotions motivated me to do better. I Graduated high school, went to college and got a degree.
MG: How do you feel you have overcome that event?
MACY: By being the best version of myself. Being the best wife and mother I can. When my kids get older I want to use that event to teach them to support others, not tear them down. To help others in any way they need.
MG: What advice would you give to someone who is going through something similar?
MACY: You’re more than a test score or a letter grade. The words “unsatisfactory” and “failed” do not define you as a person.
MG: When was a time that you stuck up for yourself and how did that enhance your life?
MACY: Once a teacher was bullying me and I never let it affect me. I knew that would aggravate that teacher the most. When a bully sees they can’t get your peace is when they stop. Never let anyone take that peace from you.
MG: Have you received any special awards, recognition, or acknowledgements?
MACY: At my high school graduation I was daydreaming, probably about food, but I remember the gym was silent for a minute and then someone nudged me to get up. They had called my name twice and everyone was staring at me. Couldn’t tell you now what it was for, but I’m sure hidden somewhere I have the plaque.
MG: What quality about yourself are you most grateful for?
MACY: My parents raised us to be strong people. Emotional and mentally.
MG: What about yourself are you most proud?
MACY: During the pandemic I stepped out to try and fulfill a dream of mine. It was hard times for everyone and my courage pushed me. I submitted a book to a publisher and they signed me that week! I have since published three children’s books, with another on the way next year. I have also contributed to several women’s books, one which hit #1 on the Amazon bestsellers list. It is so easy to be scared of failing—I’ve failed many times in my life—but each time I’ve gotten up. That’s what matters.
MG: What do you consider to be your life motto?
MACY: Mottos, I have several. Be kind, lift others up, nothing is a waste of time if you learned something, always be you.
MG: Who inspires, or has inspired, you in your life?
MACY: Ole’ Granny. Mary Lou Spears. My best friend. I remember for my birthday I’d always go hang with her. Some friends would ask what I was doing for my birthday like I had these over the top plans, when I’d tell them I’m going to granny’s they would look at me crazy. Once they met her they understood why I literally lived at her house. She’s the strongest person I know.
MG: Here can be the hardest one for many, tell us about yourself. Anything additional you want to share? It can be anything from your favorite recipe, to the worst time of your life. Anything more you want to share with us.
MACY: Simple answer is I love God, my family, and helping others. I’ve learned from struggling so hard in school to becoming a children’s book author that life holds the best possibilities for us all if we step out and have faith.
As seen in Modern Grace Magazine

Full Interview
MG: Where were you born and raised?
MACY: Ethel, la
MG: What is you educational background and/or experience?
MACY: Associate degree in criminal justice
MG: Currently, where are you employed?
MACY: Stay at home mama. The best job!
MG: What is your job title?
MACY: Caretaker to cows and kids
MG: What is your favorite part about living here?
MACY: It’s the south, what’s not to love besides the heat—the people, community, fellowship, tradition, and food. Can’t beat it!
MG: What is an event in your life that significantly changed the course of it?
MACY: In 8th grade I failed the state test to advance to 9th. Went to summer school and failed again. I was so embarrassed, and was looked at differently by others. It wasn’t easy. Thankfully, I had close family and friends to lean on, but most importantly, God. I didn’t let those moments define me.
MG: What negative impacts did that event have for you, even if only temporary?
MACY: Definitely self-worth. I felt less than. Dumb. Not smart enough.
MG: What good came out of that event for you? How did it improve your life?
MACY: I buckled down in school, took charge of my education, and let all of those negative emotions motivated me to do better. I Graduated high school, went to college and got a degree.
MG: How do you feel you have overcome that event?
MACY: By being the best version of myself. Being the best wife and mother I can. When my kids get older I want to use that event to teach them to support others, not tear them down. To help others in any way they need.
MG: What advice would you give to someone who is going through something similar?
MACY: You’re more than a test score or a letter grade. The words “unsatisfactory” and “failed” do not define you as a person.
MG: When was a time that you stuck up for yourself and how did that enhance your life?
MACY: Once a teacher was bullying me and I never let it affect me. I knew that would aggravate that teacher the most. When a bully sees they can’t get your peace is when they stop. Never let anyone take that peace from you.
MG: Have you received any special awards, recognition, or acknowledgements?
MACY: At my high school graduation I was sitting, bored, while they were passing out awards and I didn’t think I was getting anything. I was daydreaming, probably about food, but I remember the gym was silent for a minute and then someone nudged me to get up. They had called my name twice and everyone was staring at me. Couldn’t tell you now what it was for, but I’m sure hidden somewhere I have the plaque.
MG: What quality about yourself are you most grateful for?
MACY: My parents raised us to be strong people. Emotional and mentally. This day and time those ads great qualities to have.
MG: What about yourself are you most proud?
MACY: During the pandemic I stepped out to try and fulfill a dream of mine. It was hard times for everyone and my courage pushed me. I submitted a book to a publisher and they signed me that week! I have since published three children’s books, with another on the way next year. I have also contributed to several women’s books, one which hit #1 on the Amazon bestsellers list. It is so easy to be scared of failing—I’ve failed many times in my life—but each time I’ve gotten up. That’s what matters.
MG: What do you consider to be your life motto?
MACY: Mottos, I have several. Be kind, lift others up, nothing is a waste of time if you learned something, always be you.
MG: Who inspires, or has inspired, you in your life?
MACY: Ole’ Granny. Mary Lou Spears. My best friend. She’s the most honest person I know. My friends always went to her for advice because they knew she’d hit them with the truth. I remember for my birthday I’d always go hang with her. Some friends would ask what I was doing for my birthday like I had these over the top plans, when I’d tell them I’m going to granny’s they would look at me crazy. Once they met her they understood why I literally lived at her house. She’s the strongest person I know.
MG: Here can be the hardest one for many, tell us about yourself. Anything additional you want to share? It can be anything from your favorite recipe, to the worst time of your life. Anything more you want to share with us.
MACY: Simple answer is I love God, my family, and helping others. I’ve learned from struggling so hard in school to becoming a children’s book author that life holds the best possibilities for us all if we step out and have faith.