Finding Hope and Peace in a World of Chaos

You do not have to go far to see the chaos going on throughout not only our country, but the world. From the daily unrest on our own country’s soil to the sounds of war breaking out overseas, the chaos our world seems to be in appears only to be getting worse. Every day we turn the tv on we are hearing of not only natural disasters but manmade disasters. So much of what we see is out of our control, which can leave us with a sense of hopelessness as we wonder if things will ever calm down, or if things will ever go back to the way they used to be. If you are like me, it is hard for my heart to not ache as I wonder what this world will look like for my children as they begin to get married and raise a family of their own. The unknown, and the feeling of helplessness, can leave our hearts anxious with fear of the future.

So how do we keep our hearts from being anxious when we are constantly reminded of everything going on around us? How can we find peace when our hearts are filled with fear and doubt? As someone who loves nature, I often find myself disconnecting from the world by going into my garden. It’s a simple thing that has a way of grounding me. As I hear the sound of birds or see the bees searching for nectar God softly whispers to me, if I care enough for the birds and bees to provide for them and keep them safe, just imagine how much more I care for and will provide for you. Truth be told, knowing God and the truths found in His word is the only way my heart finds peace during times like this. In John 14, we see that the disciples were anxious because they knew Jesus would soon be leaving them. To put their hearts at ease, Jesus spends time comforting His disciples, which in turn today we can likewise use as comfort in our own lives. Jesus begins by saying, “Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me.” John 14:1. Having a relationship with Christ is the first step towards receiving everlasting peace.

Apart from Christ, the peace we receive from the world is fleeting. It comes and goes based on our circumstances. But Christ teaches us that peace is not the absence of trouble, but instead it is the presence of Christ in the midst of trouble. Later in the passage, Jesus begins to teach his disciples that even when He does physically leave them, He will never leave them spiritually. As believers and followers of Christ, we are given the gift of the Holy Spirit. Unlike worldly peace, which would be defined as a world without turmoil and violence, the peace that the Holy Spirit gives brings a lasting peace to our hearts and minds that are not based on circumstances. In John 14:27, Jesus tells His disciples, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you; I do not give as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” Jesus is reminding his disciples, and each of us, that no matter what chaos looks like in this life, His presence within us brings peace. And because of that confident hope we have in Christ, there is no need to fear the present or what the future may bring.

As I have come to know God through His word, He consistently shows me that He is the same yesterday, today and will continue to be the same tomorrow (Hebrews 13:8). He is never caught off guard by the things going on around us, and while it may be hard to physically see, He is always in control. Because I can trust in Him and His word, I know that no matter what the world wants me to feel, my peace comes from the assurance I have in God’s goodness and love for me. If you are feeling the pressures of the world, pray and ask the Holy Spirit to fill your heart and mind with the peace that only Jesus can give. Filling your heart with prayers leaves no room for fear and worry, instead we hand over our burdens and worries to God, allowing Him to fill our heart with the peace and assurance only He can give.

 “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6-7