Change, Change, and Change

I always thought of myself as someone who was not fond of change. However, I do love changing up my daily routine throughout the week and tackling new challenges, which sounds the opposite of someone who isn’t fond of change. Truth is, I get bored easily, and if I am bored, I lose interest. Those are changes I can control. There are things that I don’t like to see change at all because it throws me off, such as my surroundings, especially my home. My husband loves to update style and décor pretty often, so I have a space in our house that doesn’t change—my office. If I make small changes in there, it’s okay. Large ones? No way. I am comfortable and productive there. If it changed dramatically, I wouldn’t be.

The constant cycle of change in nature reminds me that change is not only inevitable, but needed for growth and renewal. Changes in nature are foreseeable and I can prepare for them. I know that trees shed their leaves to prepare for a new season and have had to learn to shed the things that no longer serve me in my new seasons and embrace new opportunities and challenges that come my way. All of those changes I can prepare for and feel in control over.

So, what about the changes I can’t see coming?

We all face difficult times that can leave us feeling overwhelmed, discouraged, and even hopeless. Most times, we aren’t prepared for those changes, nor have any control over them. Whether it be personal struggles, global crises, or simply the weight of everyday responsibility shifts, it can be easy to lose sight of the bigger picture and succumb to feelings of despair.

In all my changes of life, I find hope and strength through my faith in The Lord Jesus Christ. Over the years, as the Editor-in-chief of this magazine, I have had the privilege of hearing countless stories of individuals who have faced unimaginable hardships, but found the courage and resilience to overcome them through faith in God. These stories serve as a powerful reminder that no matter how dark our circumstances seem, there is always a light at the end of the tunnel.

I’ve realized change and hardships aren’t just for us. They become our testimony to encourage others that even in the darkest of times, we have a faithful and loving God who will never leave us or forsake us. (Deuteronomy 31:8)

As I enter into every new season, I hold on to my faith and trust in God’s plan for me. (Jeremiah 29:11) I often think back to a car accident years ago that had me bedridden. During that time, I lost a business I’d spent years building, my independence, and my entire life changed in an instant. Even in the deepest sadness of it all, I trusted that God would bring good out of all of those changes in my life. (Romans 8:28) I trusted God had a plan. In that, my writing career was born. All the things I’d written over the years, going back to when I was around 10 or 11 years old, were all of a sudden written for a bigger purpose than just me.

It’s hard not be discouraged by trials or sudden hardships, but my hope is that in those times the strength and hope that can be found in the Lord will encourage you. If you haven’t ever asked Jesus into your heart, take the time to do so today and watch as you find a peace through Him that surpasses all understanding. God will use your weaknesses as strengths, replace your fear with courage, and turn your misfortune into inspiration, purpose, and blessings.

May this fall be a time of growth, renewal, and ever-growing faith for each and every one of you.