A Summer Full

In Louisiana, where the heat and humidity practically hug you (some people say smother you) as you step outside, it’s easy to forget that summer is more than just a season, it’s a way of life. It’s the time of year when we embrace the sweltering heat and find ways to enjoy every hot, humid day. Whether it’s a backyard BBQ, a day at the river, a crawfish boil, or a simple photoshoot, we know how to make the most of summer in Louisiana.

People often envision summer as a slow-it-down and take-it-easy kind of season. It evokes images of lazing around in a hammock with a good book on a warm, sunny day. Often, summer is the opposite. It is a busy, socially active time with weekends filled to the brim with responsibilities and commitments. I always want to keep in mind that while busy, it is truly about the people, not the functions. It’s about the bonds we create, the memories we make, and the love we show. It’s the times when we come together to celebrate milestones, catch up on each other’s lives, and simply enjoy each other’s company.

The pictures used in this editor’s letter were taken on one such smoldering summer day. My daughter, bonus daughter, and I took off to take photos. Dad was the one who got me into photography from a very young age, so photoshoots always conjure up fun memories of him. On this day, I was posing for the picture when a huge monarch butterfly floated right in front of my face. Monarchs were my mother’s favorite. I joked that she wanted me to think of her, too, but the truth is, not a day passes that I don’t think of them both ever since we lost them, Dad in November 2011, and Mom, February 2012.

One of the greatest lessons that I’ve ever learned is to cherish little things. I always to find something to fall in love with each day. It can be something as simple as the way the sun sets behind the clouds, the sound of laughter from a family gathering, the feeling of lush grass between my toes, or simply a monarch butterfly floating around me. I try to count my blessings daily.

So as we gear up for another Louisiana summer, let us do so with a grateful and open heart. Remember the true value of these times together; because life is short and we never know when our times together will be the last time we see one of our friends or family. Let’s make a conscious effort to appreciate the moments we have with our loved ones, to find joy in the simplest of things, take time off when we need it, and to make the most of each day.

Wishing you all a summer filled with love, laughter, and unforgettable memories.